28 Apr 2014

How to Make Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream


  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 5 large egg yolks
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt1

Method 1 of 2: Using an Ice Cream Maker

  1. Make Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Step 1.jpg
    In a medium saucepan, heat up the milk, sugar and salt. On a chopping board, use a paring knife to scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean carefully. Add these seeds to the milk, with the scraped bean pod. Take the saucepan off the heat, cover with a lid, and allow infusing for at least an hour.
    • You can tell if a vanilla bean is good quality by smelling it. You should be able to smell the vanilla. Don't be fooled by the plumpness of the bean -- a plump bean doesn't automatically equal more flavor, it may just have a high water content.
    • If the bean smells smoky, this means the bean was not left to dry out properly, rather it was quickly flash dried over a fire. If this is the case, the vanilla beans are probably not of a high quality.
  2. Make Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Step 2.jpg
    Chill the cream. Next, you will need to chill the heavy cream in an ice bath. You can make an ice bath by filling a large bowl halfway with icy water. Place a smaller bowl into the water, into which you will strain the cream. Let the heavy cream sit in the ice bowl until cooled.
  3. Make Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Step 3.jpg
    Make the custard. In a large, clean bowl, whisk the egg yolks until combined. Take the vanilla-infused milk mixture and warm it up again. Once it is warm, gradually stir it into the bowl with the egg yolks, adding a little at a time and whisking constantly to combine. Once all the milk has been combined with the yolks, pour this mixture back into the saucepan.
    • Place the saucepan on a low heat and stir the custard constantly. Make sure to scrape the bottom of the saucepan with a spoon or spatula to prevent any of the mixture from sticking. When the custard forms a light coat on the back of the spoon or spatula, it is ready.
    • Depending on how rich you want your custard to be, you can add up to three more egg yolks.
  4. Make Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Step 4.jpg
    Combine the custard with the heavy cream. Pour the custard mixture through the strainer, into the heavy cream in the ice bath. Remove the strainer and stir to combine. When the mixture has cooled fully, add in the vanilla extract, cover the bowl, and place in the refrigerator. Leave for several hours or overnight, if possible.
    • There are three main types of vanilla extract: Bourbon, Tahitian and Mexican. Each has a slightly different flavor. Bourbon vanilla is from Madagascar and has a strong, bold flavor; Tahitian vanilla is floral, while real Mexican vanilla is creamy-tasting, with a pronounced flavor.
    • Always use a vanilla essence with an alcohol base. The alcohol, even if burned off during cooking, enhances the flavor of the vanilla extract.
    • For a lighter custard, you can replace the heavy cream with half-and-half. Just be aware that your ice cream will turn out less smooth as a result.
  5. Make Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Step 5.jpg
    Remove the ice cream custard from the refrigerator. Remove the vanilla bean and spoon the mixture into your ice cream maker. From this point, you can follow the manufacturer's instructions to find out how to freeze the ice cream mixture in your particular machine.
  6. Make Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Step 6.jpg
    Serve or store. Serve your homemade vanilla ice cream straight from the ice cream maker or store in an airtight container in the freezer to create a firmer ice cream.
    • Vanilla ice cream is the perfect accompaniment to homemade fruit pies and warm chocolate cakes.
    • It also makes a delicious dessert served on its own, covered in chocolate or caramel sauce and toasted pecans or almonds.

    refrensi :http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Homemade-Vanilla-Ice-Cream


about the indefinite articles, “a” and “an”, and the definite article, “the”.
a/an = indefinite article that refers any noun
the = definite article that refers to a certain or specific noun

For example:
“Let's see a movie” means any  movie. (indefinite)
“Let's see the movie” means a certain movie. (definite) 

“A” or “an”?

An” is used instead of “a” before a vowel sound. For example:
An artist from the local community painted the wonderful mural at Chemainus.

Indefinite Article: A / AN

Explanation Example
A” and “an” are used when it is not clear which thing or person we are talking about. She was talking to a girl at the store. (This is an unknown girl, so a is used.)
A” and “an” can be used only with count nouns. I need a bottle of milk. I need an interesting topic for my speech.

Definite Article: THE

Explanation Example
The” is used when it is clear which thing or person we are talking about. Greg was talking to the girl from New York.
(This a specific girl from New York, so the is used.)

The sun comes up every day.
The” is used when there is only one of a particular thing. London is the capital of England.

We went to the most expensive city in the world.
The + adjective

The is used with some adjectives (without a noun).
For example: the young , the old, the sick
(The meaning is always plural.)
Do you think that the rich should give money to the poor?
The + nationality adjectives

The is used with most nationality words which refer to the people of a specific country.
For example: the Canadians, the Japanese
The Italians are famous for their delicious food.
Certain nouns use the:

names of rivers, oceans and seas: the Mississippi, the Atlantic

points on the globe: the Equator, the South  Pole

geographical areas: the Middle East, the West, as well as deserts, forests, gulfs, and peninsulas
The Atlantic is a huge, deep, dark ocean.

The Middle East is fascinating.

The Gulf of Mexico
is below Texas.

We live near the Saanich Peninsula.

1. Use there IS for singular nouns (one item).
2. Use there IS for non-count items(group nouns).
3. Use there ARE for many items (plural nouns).
There is a spider on the wall.
There is milk on the floor.
There are pencils on my desk

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