4 Nov 2013

My first design

I am glad to design since sat on the bench principal looks at design the first time on a lesson of the computer on one class of high school. Design i think very good because it is an art of skills in each carpel individuals can be of ideas the idea itself. I started to learn about the science of design of looking at people all over me and i try to keep it. Is getting a lot of the science which i can so that i also starting to try to create by ideas design me. One time there was an event held a group of teenagers close by where i live, and i'm very glad i was appointed as a member of the committee.I'm on duty for the team a maker of sails and media publication of the event. There i'm trying to create creation with the entire idea and my capability in design.

I ' m glad it finally, i got a lot of glare of the design and i have more glad because of the show of skill that i have could be beneficial and and develop until then. So i can keep on developing the science of me in remix and match.

 More my design :


Example Order Letter

No. : 123/SPN-VII/II/2013                                                              October 30, 2013

Kentang street No. 1North Depok 16421

Dear Mr. Zhacky,
I would like to order some goods which enclosed in the following list :
5 Punches of Kenko
5 Typewrites of Canon
3 Reproduction machines of Casio
50 Calculating machines of Canon
We would like this to ship F.O.B complete. They payment would be completed within 60 % of the total price after the ordered arrived and 40 % will complete in a month.
Please send us the goods in two weeks, if you can’t ship the order complete within two weeks, please notify immediately.
We wish to hear from your office the soonest possible time so that we can agree on how to settle things. We are happy to still do business with you. Thank you and God bless your dealings.
Thank you.

Your Sincerenly,

M. Subchan Karim
Marketing Manager